Book: Clarence Creager Crisler, Organization: Its Character, Purpose, Place, and Development in the Seventh-day Adventist Church (Washington, DC: Review and Herald, 1938). HTML, PDF.

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[p. 7]

Note to the Reader

In this book an attempt has been made to present in connected form, for study and for convenient reference, an outline of the development of gospel order in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, with extracts from the writings of the men bearing the chief burden of this work. Much also has been quoted from the counsels and admonitions of Mrs. Ellen G. White, the last section of the book being made up wholly from her writings.

The work emphasizes the Bible plan for concerted action, and points out the dangers that would arise from any attempt to do away with agencies divinely appointed for the purpose of maintaining a wise distribution of responsibilities. An effort has been made to set forth underlying principles; the details of church, conference, and institutional organization are only incidentally touched upon. A knowledge of the fundamentals of gospel order makes possible a proper application of Bible principles in the outworking of administrative detail.

Grateful acknowledgment is due those who have given various chapters a critical reading. To the painstaking and sympathetic cooperation of many friends and helpers, the author is indebted for much of value.

It is hoped that this book will tend to strengthen confidence in God’s leadership of His people, and in the value [p. 8] of the means He has ordained for the maintenance of unity and efficiency in all the relationships and responsibilities of Christian believers.

The Author.

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